Centennial Jr. Bulldogs Football & Cheer

2024 Fall Registration


Welcome to the Dawg House!

Welcome to Centennial Jr. Bulldogs Registration information.

  1. Jr. Bulldogs camp registration is completed through this website which is where you will pay club fees. 
  2. League registration is conducted through Nevada Youth Sports website. (Link on Home page)
  3. Creating more than one profile per player will result in multiple club fee requests sent to you. If this occurs please inform us so we can correct the error. 
  4. Welcome to the Jr. Bulldogs and we hope you have a fun and enjoyable season.

Don't be that parent

A major issue across the country are overzealous adults taking the game too serious. This has led to verbal attacks, physical attacks and more. There are a select amount of adults ruining youth sports for the kids that are excited to play.  In Las Vegas leagues have lost the use of a number of fields all due to adult behavior. NYS has stated that if this keeps up we will have to play on dirt lots. Please do not be that adult (coach or parent) to ruin the game, embarrass yourself and possibly go to jail. We are here to set a great example for our youth.

A High School does not care about the wins and losses in youth football and NCAA schools only look at High School Varsity film. So let's take the anger out of the sidelines and stands and let the kids have fun and play their hearts out creating good memories.

Thank You for Your Interest in the Centennial Jr. Bulldogs!!!

PS: We will press charges and have a person arrested  if anyone puts hands on our staff!


Please direct questions to:  centennialdawgz@gmail.com


Jr. Bulldogs Staff